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THE crisis in care for the elderly has at last caused the government to act. On December 15th Sajid Javid, the secretary of state for local government, announced that local authorities would be given greater flexibility to increase council tax, a levy on property, so that more money could be allocated to adult social care. Rising demand and falling budgets for social care—which includes old-folks’ homes and other help for the infirm—have led to thousands of pensioners ending up in hospital because there are not sufficient resources to look after them in the community. Many then get stuck there, for the same reason. Delayed transfer of elderly people from hospital beds costs the taxpayer around £820m ($1bn) a year.

The prospect of a bit more money was welcomed by health and social workers. But with the number of elderly people rising, tinkering with council tax is “wholly inadequate”, says Richard Humphries of the King’s Fund, a health think-tank. There is an emergency in social care, he says. Austerity has squeezed government grants to local authorities, which provide it. Council spending on caring for the elderly fell by 9% in real...Continue reading

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